
As a Doctor of Physical Therapy and a Certified Traditional Postpartum Birthworker, I offer two primary services, aiming to bridge the gap between traditional and modern care.

Learn More

ceremonial tray for Moroccan postpartum servicesceremonial tray for Moroccan postpartum services

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

I bring ten years of experience as a physical therapist to treat adult women in Chestnut Ridge, NY. You will receive a professional hands-on assessment, and together, we will collaborate on a plan of care to have your body feeling its best.

educating client on their pelvic health using a model pelvis
educating client on their pelvic health using a model pelvis

I specialize in

  • Pelvic Pain - vaginismus, vulvodynia, endometriosis, piriformis syndrome, tailbone pain, pain during pregnancy

  • Postpartum Related Conditions - prolapse, diastasis recti, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, pain with intercourse, scar tissue from vaginal tears or c-section

  • Difficulty Breathing - By gently releasing tight muscles like the diaphragm and psoas, enhancing the mobility of the lungs, rib cage, and thoracic spine, and providing education on the connection between the pelvic floor and diaphragm.

  • Urinary & Bowel Issues - incontinence, urinary urgency/frequency, urinary retention, constipation

  • Preconception Planning - master your menstrual cycle & optimize fertility via pelvic organ positioning and releasing lower abdominal adhesions

Don't see your specific concerns listed? Feel free to call or message me directly, and I'll be happy to answer any questions about your situation and how I can help!

"She was able to completely relieve the stiffness and pain, and she gave me helpful follow-up exercises"

Okay, I'm interested. Now what?

Getting started is easy—no prescription required! Just follow these simple steps to begin your journey to healing today.

1. On our first call, I’ll answer your questions, and help you find an appointment time.

follow these steps to begin your road to recovery
follow these steps to begin your road to recovery

2. Come for a 75-minute initial evaluation, and receive a personalized action plan.

3. I will continue to support you on your path to symptom relief and lasting wellness.

Cost of Physical Therapy Services

I am committed to transparency & competitive pricing

focus photography of person counting dollar banknotes
focus photography of person counting dollar banknotes
Initial Visit



Follow-Up Visits



See FAQ for additional information

Traditional Moroccan Postpartum Services

The elders in Morocco make clear that the new mother is vulnerable after birth and must be treated like a queen: honored, celebrated and revered. There is a Moroccan saying: "the new mother's grave is open for forty days," highlighting the vulnerability of the new mother during this time; physically, emotionally and energetically.

However, these services can provide great benefit to women at all stages postpartum, even if you gave birth many years ago.

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sand landscape

Choose from one of the following packages

~ 25-Minute Prenatal Zoom Session

~ Traditional Warm Drink & Dates

~ "Closing of the Bones" Ritual

Estimated time at your home: 2 hours

Estimated time at your home: 4-5 hours

Estimated time at your home: 3 hours

~ Sacred Womb Steam

~ Second Warm Drink

~ Hamam Bath

Includes everything in package 1, plus:

Includes everything packages 1 & 2, plus:




Cost: $200

Cost: $650

Cost: $450

"Closing the Bones" in Morocco, also known as "Al Shedd" (meaning "to close"), is a sacred, ancient, and traditional ritual that has been practiced for generations. This healing ceremony uses a hand-made traditional cloth, worn by women for centuries, to swaddle the new mother, gently closing her body from head to toe. The goal is to help the bones, muscles, and organs return to their pre-pregnancy state. The ritual concludes with a belly bind using the same cloth.

This ceremony isn't just a physical healing process—it also symbolizes the closure of the pregnancy and birth phases. It's a holistic experience, combining physical, emotional, and

spiritual elements. In fact, many women go years without experiencing this form of healing, leaving the birth process incomplete. For some, receiving the closing later in life can be an important step in reclaiming that lost closure.

This type of ritual is found in many traditional cultures, highlighting its importance in providing both physical and emotional closure. I received my training for this ceremony from Layla B., a Moroccan woman who taught using the direct teachings of elder midwives, or Qablas, to revive and reclaim traditional postpartum practices.

During the ceremony, bodywork with pure, extra virgin olive oil is applied, offering gentle strokes to the arms and legs. These soothing movements promote relaxation, enhance blood flow, and support overall healing.

What is included in Bone Closing, Belly Binding & Body Work?

a woman performing a bone closing ritual
a woman performing a bone closing ritual

What is the Hamam?

The traditional Moroccan hamam bath is a must-have for all new mothers to help heal and bring warmth to the body.

It is a sacred ritual where the new mother is washed from head to toe, like a queen, using natural Moroccan soaps, clays and herbs. The warmth from the water and steam brings unparalleled relaxation. A traditional cloth called a Kessa Glove is used to exfoliate you while you sit back and enjoy the smells and sensations.

*Kessa Glove and scrub is provided

2 women at a Moroccan Hamam
2 women at a Moroccan Hamam

What is a Womb Steam?

Womb Steaming, also called Pelvic Steaming, Vaginal Steaming or Yoni Steaming, is a traditional practice used by many cultures around the world for various purposes. In Morocco, one of the primary purposes is to cleanse the womb during the postpartum period, often performed in conjunction with the hamam. Traditional herbs are used to provide additional healing benefit.

There are a few methods for performing the womb steam, which can be discussed during the prenatal meeting.

*Steam stool & herbs provided for keeping